Saturday, June 18, 2022


I have lost the battle because I was wrong. Hanging at basement is not legal. So it has to be dismantled. I lost because I was wrong. My father was always at the right path, so he never lost 

problems at peak

Problems are probably reaching its peak. Panchayet meeting today. Trda seems to become active again. 144 in my is not vacated. I think it is the peak. Now it should take a downward turn. Hopefully panchayet problem wil be solved today. The 144 is going to vacated next Wednesday. 
Only that i sometimes loose nerve. I am not as strong as my father. I miss my father a lot now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

be strong

Lot of problems all around. One has to become strong enough to face it. My father was a very strong person. I am not. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

bad time

I am still having a very bad time. That t tube which was operated  in PG again got stuck. Now party is not listening to me.they are probably taking pt to some other place 
An inguinal hernia has recurred
Things are not occuring smoothly.
Life is not smoothie.
There was a dispute regarding wall of of newly built house. That seem to have come near settlement. One problem after another is popping up. What to do?