Thursday, July 27, 2017

that appendix

7 days ago i operated for appendicitis. on opening abd i couldnot find appendix lot of adhesion between smallgut and uterus. i abandoned the procedure. pt was alright for 7 days . then she developed crampy pain abd. what are the possibilties
1. pt developed intestimal obstruction.
points in its favour
a) crampy pain
b) mild abd distension
points against.
a) i did nothing
b) pt passimg stool.and flatus
c) normal peristaltic sound.
d)  pt is having similar pain she used to have for last 1 yr.
so have conservative management.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

no sweets

no sweets from today

Thursday, July 6, 2017

91st lap chole and 47th

Level 1 Gb.  Easily done.